Monday, April 25, 2011

Celebrity to Presidency: I Don't Think So

In Clay Beverly’s entry, Celebrities and Birthers, an affair from hell, he describes why Donald Trump should not be considered nor elected for the Presidency and how the role of the president is being bombarded by celebrity non-sense.  I find that celebrities use politics and campaign for political positions as a way to gain attention from the country, and in turn make more money.
I agree with Beverly 100%.  I find it irritating and a complete waste of time when a celebrity tries their hand in politics.  We should trust that the people who are being considered for leadership of our country have the knowledge, experience, skill and charisma to do so.  Why people even consider someone with none of these traits is beyond me.  For all I know, he is using the idea of running for President to gain more media and attention.  I do not want someone to lead the country that is not serious about the responsibilities or role. The only thing that Trump has is money and the thirst for more (I think that the idea of having such big property may have something to do with it as well).  The presidency has become glamorized.  As I see it, we are focusing on the wrong characteristics that the president (and his wife) should have.  I say wife because I was absolutely sick of all the reviews of Michelle Obama's wardrobe and not her role as First Lady.  We should focus on what the country needs and who the best leader is to guide us to the goal, not the baest celebrity.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Response to 'Holy Matrimony'

I disagree with Deserah Alvarez's  argument on the wife to man ratio in her blog Holy Matrimony.  Polygamy occurs in many different religions, so to say, "When the constitution was written it was based on Christian morals and if it is not going to be rewritten and completely changed I think Americans should quit trying to find loop holes in the wording to make the unfamiliar acceptable" puts down every other religion that is practiced in America.  If polygamy is a religious practice (as it has been practiced in buddhism, hinduism and yes even in christianity) then let it be practiced.  That does not mean that everyone needs to practice polygamy.  If you look in the Old Testament, there are numerous accounts of polygamy.  Why was there polygamy in the Bible?  In Genesis 1:28 "And God blessed them saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth'" Man was instructed to reproduce, polygamy helped man do so

I think that as Americans we should take a look at ourselves.  However, we should learn to be more open minded and accepting of other religions, cultures and languages.  We should remember that not everyone is of one religion, race or origin.  We are all distinct and have different backgrounds.  Even though the founding fathers were Christians and they wrote the Constitution with a Christian heart, it is only the foundation for our country.  It is our duty to build on that foundation so that we can thrive and advance.  Each building block is important and vital for the next building block.