David Swanson is the author of War is a Lie and other works. He is an activist to end war in America. Swanson has obtained a master’s degree in philosophy from University of Virginia. He has political experience from working on a presidential campaign for Dennis Kucinich. He is also an active member and founder of various political organizations and websites. Swanson also blogs!
Wars Cannot Both be Planned and Avoided is Swanson’s argument to end war in America, specifically the war in Iraq and now the problems in Libya. Swanson begins by unveiling why being prepared for war is not always the wise move. Swanson states, “Which came first, the wars or the weapons? That riddle may actually have an answer. The answer appears to be the weapons. And those who do not learn from prehistory may be doomed to repeat it”. Swanson uses instances from America’s (and some other cultures such as Ancient Greece) so show why it is important for Americans to study our history and predecessors. If we don’t, then we have no foundation to build upon to grow as a country or mankind. So instead of finding peace, we keep fighting pointless wars that seem similar to past events, just with a different purpose. Throughout his blog, Swanson uses examples of Roosevelt, Bush, Patton etc. to show their logic while comparing it with the logic of Obama and the events that are unfolding today.
Swanson also believes that we should not be stocked to the nose with massive weapons of destruction, because most likely, the other side is stocked to the nose with weapons, which both make for a blood bath. There is also the possibility for domestic mishaps. So like it says, we cannot be prepared for war with destructive weapons and still expect to not be involved in war.
I agree with Swanson. I think that America has to stick its nose into everyone’s business. Either that or we get greedy, so instead of thinking of some logical means to obtaining oil, we declare war and jack up the gas prices. Weapons give people power. And what do people in power do? They get greedy and use their weapons to take advantage and get what they want. Peace is unobtainable, and I get that. However, this war business WAS not our business, we MADE it our business. I also agree that studying and researching our predecessors is the only way to advance as a human race. In what ever it may be, studying the past and getting a grip on the foundation is the only way to advance. You wouldn’t build a house with out a foundation, so why would you build your life or intelligence without one?
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