Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Abortion Laws

The abortion issue is on the rise again.  The Sonogram Bill, which requires doctors to explain in detail about the condition and state of the fetus as well as present the opportunity to play the heartbeat of the fetus and show sonograms, has passed in many states.  If enough states pass this bill, there is a possibility of it becoming a national agenda.
The waiting period that is now 24-hours before terminating a pregnancy, has been extended to 72 –hours in some states.  And federal funding for the termination of pregnancies has been cut off.  If a woman is raped, the fetus is not growing properly or the pregnancy is causing he mother harm, then the abortion will not be funded. 
First of all, the tactic of guilt on a person is not entirely fair.  Making women feel bad about themselves is not the way to bring children into the world.  If a woman is not ready for that responsibility then she should have the freedom to do what she needs to do.   The abortion laws are cutting off every resource.  Planned Parenthood has lost its funding to continue to help women.  The Sonogram Bill only diminishes the relationship between the patient and doctor.  It also forces women into motherhood.  I have seen anti-abortion groups come into social settings to promote their opinion on abortion.  Instead of presenting facts however, they put big billboards of pictures of dead fetuses. 
A woman should be presented with her options and be given all the information that she needs to make an informed decision.  The choice that she makes will be right for her, because it is what she thinks is best.  She should not have to listen and see all of the human functions of the fetus before making a decision.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

War Avoidance: Is It Possible?

David Swanson is the author of War is a Lie and other works.  He is an activist to end war in America.  Swanson has obtained a master’s degree in philosophy from University of Virginia.  He has political experience from working on a presidential campaign for Dennis Kucinich.  He is also an active member and founder of various political organizations and websites.  Swanson also blogs!

Wars Cannot Both be Planned and Avoided is Swanson’s argument to end war in America, specifically the war in Iraq and now the problems in Libya.  Swanson begins by unveiling why being prepared for war is not always the wise move.  Swanson states, “Which came first, the wars or the weapons? That riddle may actually have an answer. The answer appears to be the weapons. And those who do not learn from prehistory may be doomed to repeat it”.  Swanson uses instances from America’s (and some other cultures such as Ancient Greece) so show why it is important for Americans to study our history and predecessors.  If we don’t, then we have no foundation to build upon to grow as a country or mankind.  So instead of finding peace, we keep fighting pointless wars that seem similar to past events, just with a different purpose.  Throughout his blog, Swanson uses examples of Roosevelt, Bush, Patton etc. to show their logic while comparing it with the logic of Obama and the events that are unfolding today.

Swanson also believes that we should not be stocked to the nose with massive weapons of destruction, because most likely, the other side is stocked to the nose with weapons, which both make for a blood bath.  There is also the possibility for domestic mishaps.  So like it says, we cannot be prepared for war with destructive weapons and still expect to not be involved in war. 

I agree with Swanson.  I think that America has to stick its nose into everyone’s business.  Either that or we get greedy, so instead of thinking of some logical means to obtaining oil, we declare war and jack up the gas prices.   Weapons give people power.  And what do people in power do? They get greedy and use their weapons to take advantage and get what they want.  Peace is unobtainable, and I get that.  However, this war business WAS not our business, we MADE it our business.  I also agree that studying and researching our predecessors is the only way to advance as a human race.  In what ever it may be, studying the past and getting a grip on the foundation is the only way to advance.  You wouldn’t build a house with out a foundation, so why would you build your life or intelligence without one?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Weaponry on Campus

Gail Collins attended Marquette University. She became an editor for the New York Times in 1995.  She was the first woman to be appointed editor of the editorial page.  She has also written “When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present”.  She is now an Op-Ed Columnist for the New York Times.
In her column, Collins speaks about the growing desire that America has to constantly be armed.  She is against students having the right to carry guns on college campuses.  Collins points out the different sides of the gun issue and gives her opinion:
  “The core of the great national gun divide comes down to this: On one side, people’s sense of public safety goes up as the number of guns goes down; the other side responds to every gun tragedy by reflecting that this might have been averted if only more legally armed citizens had been on the scene.  I am on the first side simply because I believe that in a time of crisis, there is no such thing as a good shot”
Collins believes that allowing college students to carry weaponry on campus will only do more harm than good.  Someone could be shot from a misfire or poor aim.
I agree with Collins.  I too believe that there is no such thing as a good shot when it comes to a surprise attack from a college student gone crazy.  It is too risky having students carry guns on to college campuses.  When students get stressed about the next test or get upset about the C that they received on their last exam or paper, who is to say that they will not give the teacher what they think he or she deserves?  People are too unpredictable.  If students are allowed to carry guns on campus, that means EVERY student, even the ones who could do harm regardless of the law.  Now the law has just made it easier for them.  As Collins points out in the article, policemen are trained to shoot at predators and fight to protect citizens, not college students.  So leave the job to the man. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Working Class is Forced to be Silent

As described in the above article from CNN, the state of Ohio has voted to modify collective bargaining for workers such as firefighters, policemen and teachers.  The bill restricts these workers from going on strikes and walk-outs and even charges fines for violators.  The bill also limits the worker's ability to negotiate different benefits such as healthcare, sick days and vacation days.  It basically limits everything that collective bargaining stands for.  The bill is now under review with Republican Senator Bill Seitz.

This issue is important because workers rights are being stripped.  And if several states, including Ohio and Wisconsin, are jumping on the band wagon to 'modify' collective bargaining and unions, then who is to say that other states will not follow?

The article above from National Public Radio, talks about how unions are important to Democrats, and also why Republicans do not favor the unions too much.  Union workers are more supportive financially and politically to Democrats over Republicans, which is one reason why Republicans want to eliminate unions.  It seems to me that once again it is a battle between the parties, and the working class is caught in the middle, and they are not too happy about it.

If a worker is unhappy in his or her work environment, they should be able to voice that with some security.  They should be able to have a say about what is happening in the work-place.  These rights are being taken away from civil servants of all people.  People who serve and protect our community and teach our children are not being given the right to voice their concerns about wages, benefits and healthcare that they receive from their jobs.