Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Working Class is Forced to be Silent

As described in the above article from CNN, the state of Ohio has voted to modify collective bargaining for workers such as firefighters, policemen and teachers.  The bill restricts these workers from going on strikes and walk-outs and even charges fines for violators.  The bill also limits the worker's ability to negotiate different benefits such as healthcare, sick days and vacation days.  It basically limits everything that collective bargaining stands for.  The bill is now under review with Republican Senator Bill Seitz.

This issue is important because workers rights are being stripped.  And if several states, including Ohio and Wisconsin, are jumping on the band wagon to 'modify' collective bargaining and unions, then who is to say that other states will not follow?

The article above from National Public Radio, talks about how unions are important to Democrats, and also why Republicans do not favor the unions too much.  Union workers are more supportive financially and politically to Democrats over Republicans, which is one reason why Republicans want to eliminate unions.  It seems to me that once again it is a battle between the parties, and the working class is caught in the middle, and they are not too happy about it.

If a worker is unhappy in his or her work environment, they should be able to voice that with some security.  They should be able to have a say about what is happening in the work-place.  These rights are being taken away from civil servants of all people.  People who serve and protect our community and teach our children are not being given the right to voice their concerns about wages, benefits and healthcare that they receive from their jobs.

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